Django Generic Filter API

FilteredListView API

FilteredListView is a generic ListView allowing to filter queryset. It supports RawQuerySet, Python Object List as well as normal queryset.

It use a form to define which filters you want and some options to control the way querysets must be managed.


First we define a form to handle our filters

from django import forms
from django_genericfilters.forms import FilteredForm

class TicketListForm(FilteredForm):
    query = forms.CharField(label=_('Query'), required=False)

    priority = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Priority'),
                                 ('0', 'High'),
                                 ('1', 'Normal'),
                                 ('2', 'Low')

This form handle filter on a raw query and priority.

from django_genericfilters.views import FilteredListView
from myapp.models import Ticket

class TicketListView(FilteredListView):
    model = Ticket
    paginate_by = 10
    form_class = TicketListForm
    search_fields = ['creator__last_name', 'creator__first_name',
                 'subject', 'body']
    filter_fields = ['status', 'priority']
    qs_filter_fields = {'category__last_name': 'category',
                        'status': 'status',
                        'priority': 'priority'
    default_order = 'last_updated_at'

FilteredListView Options

TicketListView define a set of useful specific options:


a list of fields to search against with the “query” field defined on the form (see above)


a list of fields used to construct the form filters in the template. In this example, we define status and priority. By default, if we do not define a qs_filter_fields it will be used to filter the resulting queryset as well.


a dict used to filter the results queryset. Useful if you need to make complex filters or related models filters.


A dict used to filter the results queryset. Useful to add extra condition for a special field from qs_filter_fields.


the order you want your results to be sorted by default.

FilteredListView Method
